How To Flash Xposed On Lollipop Without Recovery
A lot of people have gotten so used to xposed framework that we actually refuse to update to a newer firmware due to so much we can have done to our current firmware using the xposed framework.
For those who don't know what xposed is, it is a framework developed at XDA to allow high level customisation of the android os using xposed modules. Through this framework, we can customize the status bar etc...
When Google rolled out android lollipop, a lot of people were happy excited about how much they could do with the new os especially with xposed installed on their system.
As much as we expected, we got know that there's no official xposed framework for lollipop yet. The XDA team however ported an alpha version of the framework to lollipop but could only be flashed via a custom recovery like twrp or cwm. A lot of people however do not have a custom recovery installed on their android devices and therefore can not flashed the xposed framework thereby leading to a denial of the enjoyment others are who have it installed are enjoying.
With that said, I want those of us who can't flash a custom recovery that there's another way to enjoying xposed on lollipop which is the reason for this article.
To flash xposed on android lollipop without a custom recovery, the following things are needed...
A rooted device
Xposed SDK zip file
Xposed installer alpha apk file
Terminal emulator
Busy box
Installer file
To do this your device of course has to be rooted with busybox installed. The terminal emulator is needed to flash the android SDK file.
The android SDK comes in different variants according to your SDK version and processor architecture...
Visit this XDA thread for the various sdks and xposed alpha installer. In my own case i downloaded xposed v80 sdk21 arm64 zip file.
Download from here xda_thread
Download the installer.bin file from this link ( BIN_FILE )
Next, install the xposed alpha apk fike you downloaded and place the SDK file and the installer.bin file at the root of your sdcard
Then open terminal emulator and type the following ...
Su (and press enter then grant su access)
Sh /sdcard/installer.bin (press enter)
When the process starts, it'll pause just press 1 and press enter for the process to complete.
Your device will reboot after the process completes ,but if it doesn't reboot manually. The device might take a while to boot as the dalvik cache will wipe. Once done launch your xposed module and see that your framework is successfully installed..
hope this works for you..
How To Flash Xposed On Lollipop Without Recovery
Android tips